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Tag Archives: road trip
Stars & Stripes Drive-In Theatre (Lubbock, TX)

A three screen drive-in theatre showing only double features for six bucks per head. Awesome. We caught The Expendables and came just early enough to see the end of Machete. Wish we had seen the whole thing, the drive in … Continue reading
Painted By Giants (Arizona)

We visited the Petrified Forest not to see the strange silica laden wood or dinosaur fossils (which were still interesting) but to see the Painted Desert. Most of the desert is located within the Navajo Nation in Northern Arizona, but … Continue reading
The Wigwam Motel (Village #6 Holbrook, AZ)

In our quest to fill in the in between places of our road trip we’ve been on the look out for interesting hotels to stay in. The history of the Wigwam motel, as well as its Route 66 heritage contributed … Continue reading
The Grand Canyon (Arizona)

You really need to see this in person to get a sense of the vastness, the grandeur and the intense vertigo.
Bouchon (Las Vegas, NV)

Strawberry Croissant. . . Oeuf Au Gratin du Jour. . . The Bakery. . . The Selection. . . It was almost on a whim that I said “to hell with the budget, let’s go to Bouchon”. That would be … Continue reading